What is the project wanting to achieve
The vision is that by 2050 the Southern Port Hills has a thriving and resilient indigenous forest supporting an abundance of native birds and invertebrates. The area will be a taonga for the Ōtautahi / greater Christchurch and adjoining communities to value, protect and engage with. The project will help to facilitate and co-ordinate native forest revegetation and restoration on the Southern Port Hills. Around the core area of regenerating forest, landowners will be encouraged to plant trees and do pest and weed control in a way which supports a thriving indigenous forest plant community and allows native birds and other native fauna to move through the landscape.
As part of the Banks Peninsula and Port Hills/ Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū Ecological Vision 2050, Te Kākahu Kahukura will contribute to the social, cultural and economic, as well as environmental wellbeing of the community of greater Christchurch - a community that is connected, resilient and healthy. Te Kākahu Kahukura therefore aligns with national and local government outcomes of ‘liveable cities’, ‘strong communities’, and a ‘healthy environment’.