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Is this just about planting trees?

No. There are eight key parts of the project.

  1. Protecting and enhancing existing native biodiversity on your land.
  2. Encouraging natural regeneration of native trees and plants.
  3. Baseline monitoring of birds and plants focussing on both existing areas of native vegetation (forest remnants and regenerating forest) and new areas that are being planted.
  4. Pest control, as part of the Pest Free Banks Peninsula initiative.
  5. Weed control within remaining remnants of native habitat as these sites are key sources for native seed dispersal into surrounding areas.
  6. Targeted native tree and vegetation restoration planting to enhance connectivity between key areas of existing native habitat.
  7. Targeted ‘enrichment planting’ of native regenerating forests with original podocarp tree species that are now rare in the area (such as tōtara, mataī, kahikatea, and tītoki).
  8. Management of public access points to regenerating areas to reduce the chances of fire ignition (including through the use of low-flammability species such as five-finger and broadleaf).